Zabbix Certified Specialist
Start using Zabbix as efficiently as possible and provide support to others.
Information about the course
Designed for the product: | Zabbix 7.0 |
Group size: | Small groups (up to 15 students) |
Type of exam: | 60 min, theoretical |
Requirements: | Advanced computer knowledge and knowledge of operating systems |
Next level: | Zabbix Certified Professional (Level 3) |
Previous level: | Zabbix Certified User (Level 1) |
Upgrade: | Zabbix Certified Specialist Upgrade 6.0 |
Course language: | English or Czech |
Available online: | Yes |
Course length: | 5 DAYS |
Course price: | € 1,950 excluding VAT |
Course content
- Main Zabbix components
- User interface overview
- Setting up a personalized user profile
- Zabbix definitions: items, triggers, etc.
- Creating and configuring hosts
- User macros and tags
- Zabbix data collection using simple and SSH checks
- Plugins for Zabbix agent and Zabbix agent2
- Zabbix agent active and passive modes
- Creating human-readable data with units and value mapping
- Data collection intervals
- Data transformations using preprocessing
- Problem detection using triggers
- Cause and symptoms of problems, trigger dependencies
- Zabbix proxy servers
- Working with templates
- Data aggregation with calculated values
- Bulk data collection using dependent items
- Data collection using HTTP checks and synthetic web monitoring
- Monitoring log files
- SNMP monitoring
- Database monitoring
- Java monitoring
- Collection of inventory data
- User management using user groups and roles
- JIT provisioning for LDAP and SAML
- Sending notifications and running remote commands
- Maintenance settings
- Service Monitoring (SLA)
- Low-level discovery overview
- Auditing overview
- Data visualization using graphs, maps and dashboards
- Zabbix reporting services
- Zabbix performance tuning
- Zabbix administrative settings
- Zabbix versions
- Zabbix Certified Specialist (Exam)

Tomáš Heřmánek
CEO & Zabbix Certified TrainerAdditional information
- Each participant will obtain a certificate of Zabbix 7.0 course completion
- After successfully passing the exam, you will obtain the Zabbix Certified Specialist 7.0 certificate

Course certificates and gifts
For all attendees

For passing the exam

Acquired skills and knowledge
Monitor a wide range of components,
including OS resources, network devices, log files, web applications, and websites
Deploy the official Zabbix agent
and extend it for efficient and customized data gathering
Establish a streamlined process
to escalate identified problems across users and departments for prompt resolution
Get a comprehensive overview of your IT infrastructure state
by using a variety of Zabbix dashboard widgets
Utilize multiple monitoring techniques
such as SNMP, Zabbix Agent, SSH, web application monitoring, and more for comprehensive data collection
Prevent alert storms and optimize problem detection
by learning how to use various Zabbix trigger functions