Zabbix Certified User
Discover the benefits of Zabbix monitoring and explore its basic functionality.
Information about the course
Designed for the product: | Zabbix 7.0 |
Group size: | Group of up to 15 students |
Type of exam: | 30 min, theoretical |
Requirements: | None |
Next level: | Zabbix Certified Specialist (Level 2) |
Course language: | English or Czech |
Available online: | Yes |
Course length: | 1 DAY |
Course price: | € 550 excluding VAT |
Course content
Day 1
- What is Zabbix?
- Zabbix versions
- Main components of Zabbix
- Zabbix web interface
- User profile
- Setting up simple monitoring
- Overview of business level monitoring
- Data visualization
- Scheduled reports
- Certification (Exam)

Tomáš Heřmánek
CEO & Zabbix Certified TrainerAdditional information
- Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance of the Zabbix 7.0 course
- After successfully passing the exam, you will obtain the Zabbix Certified User 7.0 certificate

Course certificates and gifts
For all attendees

For passing the exam

Acquired skills and knowledge
Navigate the Zabbix frontend and understand basic Zabbix concepts
such as hosts, items, triggers, problems, and more
Display your infrastructure overview and infrastructure component states
on a network map
Create custom dashboards
and get an overview of your system behavior
View, filter, acknowledge, and remediate problems
directly from the Zabbix UI
Get a better understanding of your infrastructure behavior over time
by creating scheduled reports
Create a custom view of your metrics and monitoring endpoint states
by using a variety of Zabbix dashboard widgets