Zabbix Certified Expert

Zabbix Certified Expert

Design complex and highly efficient Zabbix solutions with a focus on API, HA/DR and DB.

Information about the course

Designed for the product: Zabbix 7.0
Group size: Small groups (up to 7 students)
Type of exam: 120 min, practical
Requirements: Zabbix Certified Professional exam
Previous level: Zabbix Certified Professional (Level 3)
Course language: English or Czech
Available online: Yes
Course length: 5 DAYS
Course price: € 3,250 excluding VAT

Course content


  • Zabbix upgrade process
  • Configuring and debugging MySQL for Zabbix
  • Configuring and debugging PostgreSQL for Zabbix
  • Enable partitioning and compression for TimescaleDB


  • Data collection internals
  • Zabbix server in high availability
  • Preprocessing internals
  • Low-level discovery internals
  • Internals of history syncer and configuration syncer


  • SELinux for Zabbix components
  • Securing database connections to Zabbix with SSL certificates
  • Password security with HashiCorp vault
  • Securing Zabbix components communication using PSK and certificates encryption
  • Setting up HTTP, SAML and LDAP authentication in Zabbix


  • Overview of Zabbix API methods
  • Scripting for Zabbix API
  • Filtering results from Zabbix API
  • When to use the Zabbix API


  • Zabbix 7.0 Certified Expert: Exam
  • Zabbix 7.0 Certified Expert: Certification
Tomáš Heřmánek

Tomáš Heřmánek

CEO & Zabbix Certified Trainer
Tomáš is a huge fan of OpenSource technologies, including Zabbix. He specializes in application servers, automation, and monitoring. Over the last ten years, he has been involved in several large-scale projects that have received extremely positive feedback. Tomáš holds a unique Zabbix Certified Trainer certificate from Zabbix SIA. Additionally, he enjoys sharing his expertise through training sessions and community events.

Additional information

Previous Zabbix Certified Professional training is required.
The course includes advanced practical exercises.
Each participant will be provided with a PDF of the presentations and practical exercises for the training.


  • Each participant will obtain a certificate of Zabbix 7.0 course attendance
  • After successfully passing the exam, you will obtain the Zabbix Certified Expert 7.0 certificate
initMAX - certificate
Other courses

Course certificates and gifts

For all attendees

Dárek ke kurzu
Course attendance certificate
Dárek ke kurzu
Zabbix backpack

For passing the exam

Dárek ke kurzu
Zabbix 7.0 Certified Expert certificate and digital badge
Dárek ke kurzu
Zabbix Expert pin

Acquired skills and knowledge

Tune your Zabbix database

to ensure optimal performance while monitoring tens of thousands of hosts

Upgrade to the latest Zabbix release

with minimal downtime for seamless operations

Encrypt connections

to and from your Zabbix instance using TLS certificate encryption

Automate tasks

like host onboarding/offboarding and configuration updates while integrating Zabbix with external systems using Zabbix API scripts

Secure your most sensitive credentials

by storing them in an external HashiCorp vault

Integrate Zabbix with LDAP/SAML

or configure custom HTTP authentication for enterprise-grade security


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