We are a Zabbix Premium Partner

Tomáš Heřmánek
1 min

As of December the 1st, we are officially the only and historically first Zabbix Premium Partner in the Czech Republic.

In order to achieve this exclusive partnership and fulfill another Zabbix dream, we had to raise our knowledge in the field of monitoring to the next level, and you, who have trusted us and entrusted us with your projects, have a big part in this. Thank you! We believe that this Zabbix Premium Partner partnership will move us a little further, and in addition, we can influence the further development of the Zabbix platform. For you, our business partners, this means that we will be able to guarantee you the best service support prices on the market.

Certifikát Zabbix Premium Partner.

If you would be interested in a live demonstration of Zabbix installations at our customers, we would be happy to invite you to a coffee and show you Zabbix in practice 😊.

For example, you can look forward to:

  • integrating monitoring with DevOps
  • automated monitoring deployment for clients
  • high level summary on critical business infrastructure
  • dynamic graphic representation across the entire infrastructure and business part
  • notifications
  • escalations
  • automation of infrastructure changes that will help reduce the complexity of managing your entire infrastructure
  • custom widgets https://git.initmax.cz/initMAX-Public
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