Zabbix Monitoring

We can implement Zabbix monitoring on any infrastructure directly in your environment or in the cloud. This gives you a complete overview of your data, which you can further analyse and visualize.

USP - icon

FREE open-source solution with professional support

USP - icon

Lots of functionalities and features, yet still simple

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Flexible working with your own data from different sources

Metrics collection

Take control of your infrastructure by collecting selected metrics and data from any source.

Metrics collection

Zabbix allows you to collect metrics and data from various sources, especially from:

  • Network devices
  • Cloud services, containers and virtual machines
  • OS level monitoring
  • Logs
  • Databases
  • Applications and services
  • IoT sensors
  • Website monitoring
  • HTTP/HTTPS monitoring of end devices
  • A variety of industry standard protocols
  • External end device APIs
  • Network devices

The metrics and data collection can be tailored to your company’s needs – Zabbix capabilities are wide-ranging:

  • Push and pull methods for data collection
    • High-intensity data collection – minimum polling interval is 1 second
    • Scheduling of metrics collection
    • Ability to rewrite polling intervals for specific time periods
    • Limiting the same data for high frequency monitoring
  • Collect any type of data:
    • Numeric
    • Text
    • Binary
    • Structured JSON, XML, CSV and other data formats
  • Log file monitoring
    • Collect and filter the values in the log file
    • Collect eventlogs in Windows environments
    • Get the number of matching values found in the log file

Deploy Zabbix agent for in depth monitoring.

Native high performance agent for all Operating Systems and hardware platforms:

  • Negligible performance overhead
  • Push or pull data delivery
  • Flexible scheduling intervals
  • Easy to extend with plugins or external scripts
  • Immune to communication problems (in-memory or on-disk data buffering)
  • Backward compatibility for effortless upgrades
  • Access to Windows WMI and performance counters
  • Can report to multiple Zabbix Servers for redundancy and HA
  • Strong TLS or shared key encryption for communications
  • Deploy Zabbix agent as a package, use MSI or command line installer on Windows or deploy pre-compiled agent binaries

Zabbix agent support any operating system:

  • Linux
  • Solaris
  • AIX
  • macOS
  • BSD
  • Windows

Utilize agent-less monitoring using any protocols.

Zabbix supports whide range of protocols for remote monitoring of services:

  • Web monitoring
  • Scriptable synthetic monitoring
  • SNMP (v1/2c/3) polling and trapping
  • Java application monitoring
  • IPMI
  • SSH/Telnet checks
  • ODBC monitoring
  • ICMP and TCP checks
  • Prometheus
  • Easy to extend using external scripts or plugins
  • Collect data from HTTP endpoints
  • Modbus and MQTT protocol support

Emulate real-life transactions with synthetic monitoring.

Synthetic monitoring helps with creation of complex scenarios for reliable monitoring of WEB applications and APIs:

  • Obtain any performance metric from your endpoint
  • Define Q/A tests to emulate real life transactions

Extend your monitoring by implementing custom data collection methods.

Zabbix data collection can be easily extended using:

  • CLI utility for pushing any data
  • External scripts written in any scripting language
  • Synthetic monitoring for complex WEB and HTTP scenarios

Collect, normalize and optimize your data by using transformations.

Normalize and transform any kind of data before storing it:

  • Unstructured text with trims, replace functions and regular expressions
  • JSONPath, XPath expressions and CSV to JSON transformation
  • Calculate delta between values
  • Perform calculations with numeric values
  • Numeral system transformations
  • Validate your data and check if the received value is in a specified value range or contains errors
  • Perform custom data transformations with JavaScript
  • Discard repeating values with throttling
  • Extract Prometheus exporter data

Collect data in bulk and use it to populate multiple dependent metrics:

  • Transform and extract only the required data
  • Reduce the number of connections/queries/calls to the endpoint
  • Reduce the network bandwidth by collecting and transforming metrics in bulk
  • Discard initial bulk data and store only the resulting metrics

Problem detection

Detect problems immediately! Define smart problem limits, use Zabbix’s internal mechanisms to predict trends, and use advanced machine learning tools!

Problem detection

Forget about manually tracking the collection of metrics.

With Zabbix you can detect problem states within the incoming metric flow automatically:

  • High-performance real-time problem detection
  • Highly flexible definition options
  • Separate problem and problem resolution conditions
  • Multiple severity levels
  • Mark problems as cause or symptom events
  • Root cause analysis
  • Protection against flapping
  • Anomaly detection
  • Trend prediction
  • Detected problems can be classified using tags to improve alerting
  • Real-time export of detected problem events to third-party systems (Elastic, Splunk, etc.)
  • Manual problem suppression indefinitely or until a specific point in time

Zabbix users are provided with very flexible and intelligent option definition limits. A trigger limit can be as simple as “greater than x” and it is possible to use all the supported functions and operators for statistical analysis of historical data.

React proactively with trend prediction!

While it’s nice to have thresholds set to detect problems, it’s more effective to react to problems proactively. Zabbix predictive features can help you achieve this goal:

  • Predicting the value for early warning
  • Predicting the time remaining until the problem threshold is reached

Detect anomalies with baseline monitoring.

Manually defining problem thresholds is not always an effective approach. In dynamic environments where baselines may change periodically, it is important to automatically calculate a reference point against which the problem threshold will be calculated. Zabbix Baseline monitoring allows you to:

  • Detect anomalies based on real-time analysis of historical data
  • Get powerful statistics with baseline monitoring


Get notified of any problem, including resolved dependencies and removing unwanted messages, the so-called “white noise”!


Get notified of the problem!

Use multiple messaging channels to ensure that alerts regarding issues and events in your environment reach the right people.

  • Alerting systems: VictorOPS, Opsgenie, Pagerduty, SIGNL4 and others
  • Standard tools: e-mail, SMS for reliable alerts via USB modems, online SMS gateways
  • Communication platforms: Slack, MS Teams, Telegram,, and others
  • Webhooks for integration with external messaging, ITSM or ticketing systems

Customize your alert messages!

Define different messages for different messaging channels.

You can either utilize the default message templates or create and customize your own message template:

  • Customize messages based on issue type and the role of the recipient
  • Enrich messages with any runtime and inventory information
  • Send scheduled PDF reports for insight and long term analysis of data


Escalate for a faster solution!

Define escalation scenarios of varying complexity depending on the required workflow. From simple notifications to different users and subsequent problem escalation all the way to delayed notifications and automatic problem resolution:

  • Immediately inform users of new problems
  • Proactively run remote scripts
  • Repeat notifications until the problem is resolved
  • Take advantage of the ability to delay notifications and execution of remote commands
  • Escalate the problems to other user groups
  • Use different escalation paths for confirmed and unconfirmed problems
  • Send a message to everyone involved when the problem is resolved
  • Unlimited number of escalation steps

Let Zabbix resolve your problems automatically!

With Zabbix, you can not only get notified of a problem, but you can also solve it automatically.

A remediation script or command can be executed to attempt and resolve the issue.

For example, run the repair script for:

  • Restarting a service
  • Managing your cloud resources
  • Performing an automatic re-scaling of your resources
  • Executing any other custom logic

Data visualization

Get an expanded view of your data with powerful visualization, charts, reports, dashboards and their advanced widgets, including regular reporting!

Data visualization

Gain additional insights and extend observability by powerful data visualization!

Define dashboards based on widgets displaying relevant information:

  • A large selection of many different widgets
  • Simple placement and resizing of widgets by dragging and dropping
  • Each widget is customizable to fit your needs
  • Display metrics, issues, infrastructure maps and geographic maps on your dashboards
  • View SLA information for your current business service on your dashboards

Gain access to your metrics, issues, configurations and maps with a click of a button.

Analyse and correlate metrics with graphs!

Define custom graphs or access ad-hoc graphs with one click:

  • Multiple graph types
  • Displaying problems in graphs
  • Flexible time navigator
  • View one or more metrics with one click
  • Using trend data for a long-term view
  • View historical data for any time period
  • View graphs of aggregated data
  • Export graphs as images

Keep track of your monitored devices on an interactive geographical map.

  • Choose from several geo-map providers
  • Get a geographic overview of your environment on Zabbix dashboards
  • Gain access to any monitored device via your geographic maps
  • Group your monitored devices into a cluster on your geographic map
  • Monitor the status of individual devices or the entire cluster

Present the status of your infrastructure on maps!

View the status of your devices along with data in real time to get a detailed overview of your infrastructure on the Zabbix map:

  • Ability to view any real-time data on your maps
  • Easily create map features by dragging and dropping
  • Clone and edit existing maps
  • Run scripts in your infrastructure from the map screen
  • Create multi-level maps with submaps
  • Contextual interaction with map elements
  • Create links among devices in the map
  • Create nested maps – change the extent of your current view with one click

Create scheduled reports in PDF!

Receiving regular reports in PDF will provide you with useful statistics about your environment:

  • Have reports delivered directly to your e-mail inbox
  • You can schedule daily, weekly or monthly delivery
  • Keep your customers informed about the status of their infrastructure

Now any main dashboard in Zabbix can be turned into a PDF report.

Extend Zabbix frontend and create custom dashboard widgets.

Extend the native Zabbix frontend functionality by developing your own frontend widgets and modules:

  • Develop custom ways to visualize your data tailor-made for your business
  • Create custom views of the collected data and generated events with custom frontend modules
  • Enrich Zabbix frontend with your corporate branding

Single pane of glass

Leverage a single pane of glass for your entire infrastructure!

Single pane of glass

Create flexible widget based dashboards

Zabbix web UI provides multiple ways of presenting a visual overview of your IT environment:

  • Widget-based multi-page dashboards
  • Easy drag and drop widget placement
  • Configure automatic dashboard refresh intervals
  • Ability to clone an existing dashboard
  • Private and public dashboards
  • Flexible graphs capable of displaying regular and aggregate data
  • Create map hierarchy trees and use them to navigate through your infrastructure
  • Execute a script directly from a dashboard and remediate an issue or display additional information

Each of the dashboard elements is extremely flexible, supporting multiple views and filters, while respecting user permissions:

  • Filter and display only the required data
  • Customize your widgets to display data at different granularity levels
  • User permissions are respected when displaying data on dashboards

Provide a monitoring solution for multi-tenant environments.

Deploy Zabbix as the central point of monitoring for multiple organizations:

  • Utilize user groups to isolate tenants from each other
  • Define user roles to control user access to different Zabbix functions
  • Create unique dashboards, maps and templates for different tenants
  • Keep your tenants up to date with their environment by configuring scheduled reports

Collect and display inventory information.

Automatically collect and store inventory information:

  • Use collected metrics to provide inventory information about your hosts
  • Combine native inventory data collection with Zabbix API to provide additional inventory data
  • Get an overview of your overall inventory by grouping your hosts based on inventory information
  • Provide and keep track of geo-map monitoring target coordinates
  • Dynamically update existing inventory information from collected metrics

Business monitoring

Track KPIs with business service monitoring.

Business monitoring

Improve problem tracking by means of root cause analysis.

Compare existing and incoming problems and perform root cause analysis:

  • Prevent flooding of secondary problems and display only the root cause
  • Define flexible logic of problem correlation
  • Close all related new incoming problems if the root cause is not resolved
  • If the root cause of the problem has been identified, close related existing problems
  • Define your service elements using hierarchical trees of business services

See the impact at the business level!

Define services and create service trees for performing impact analysis:

  • Define and monitor levels of business SLAs
  • Simulate an outage to see the impact at the business service level
  • Algorithms calculating the status of multiple services simultaneously
  • Define service weights for custom service status calculation
  • Calculate the availability of your business services based on service weights or the number and percentage of unavailable subsequent services

Business services provide full support for multitenant environments with a flexible permission scheme:

  • Define user roles with limited access to specific services
  • Secure your services with read or write permissions for your service trees

Calculate and monitor your SLA!

Defines services and service components using custom SLA calculation logic:

  • Analyse the status of related services and perform SLA calculation
  • Reduce SLA when one or all service components are in a “problem” status
  • Create service trees for complex SLA calculations of individual business services
  • Gain access to daily/weekly/monthly/yearly SLA summaries of your business services


Seamlessly deploy Zabbix within your infrastructure. From the ground up, Zabbix supports the products of the most famous players on the market and many more!


Integrate Zabbix with your existing system.

Out of the box monitoring for leading software and hardware suppliers: Cisco, HPE, Microsoft, IBM, VMware, Meraki, Juniper, F5 and many more.

With Zabbix, you can improve monitoring and troubleshooting workflows for your DevOPS and ITOps teams. Integrate Zabbix with your current systems:

  • Monitor your Docker containers
  • Web servers – IIS, Apache, Nginx and more
  • Database servers such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, MongoDB and more
  • Monitor any operating system – Linux, Windows, Solaris, BSD, MacOS and more
  • Cloud services such as AWS, Amazon cloud, Google cloud and more
  • IP telephony services

Forwarding alerts to ITSM messaging systems.

Out of the box integrations with leading ITSM systems:

  • ServiceNow
  • Zendesk
  • Jira ServiceDesk
  • ManageEngine ServiceDesk
  • TOPdesk
  • SolarWinds Service Desk
  • And many more

Integrations are provided in the form of customizable JavaScript webhooks:

  • Customize an existing integration or create a new one from scratch
  • Import an integration from the Zabbix community
  • Export your own integration and share it with the Zabbix community

Monitor your Kubernetes at every level.

  • Automatic discovery and monitoring of Kubernetes nodes and pods
  • Create a simple dashboard to visualize the status of Kubernetes nodes and pods

Kubernetes monitoring also allows you to monitor Kubernetes components such as:

  • Kube-controller-manager
  • Kube-apiserver
  • Kube-scheduler
  • Kubelet

Zabbix is also able to monitor pods, nodes and Kubernetes components in Redhat OpenShift container infrastructures.

Start monitoring your cloud services with Zabbix!

Platform-agnostic out-of-the-box cloud monitoring:

  • Connect to any cloud API endpoint over HTTP
  • Leverage Zabbix discovery features to improve the observability of your cloud environment
  • Automatically discover and start monitoring your cloud entities and components
  • Represent your cloud infrastructure in a single pane of glass view with Zabbix maps and dashboards

Zabbix provides out-of-the-box templates for the most popular cloud vendors:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • OpenStack
  • Nextcloud

Keep track of your VMware virtualization infrastructure status.

Connect Zabbix to your VMware instance and automatically discover VMware guests, clusters, hypervisors and datastores:

  • Monitor your VMware endpoints without deploying any additional agent software
  • Customize the discovered monitoring endpoints and collect additional information

Monitor VMware metrics such as:

  • VMware alarm status
  • VMware guest state
  • VMware guest and hypervisor performance metrics
  • Datastore IOPS read/write metrics
  • Datastore performance counters
  • VMware event log entries
  • VMware Hypervisor and vSphere Distributed Switch network metrics

Zabbix also provides an official template for VMWare SD-WAN VeloCloud component discovery and monitoring:

  • Gateway state and utilization
  • Edge state, uptime, version, and more
  • Link network statistics
  • SDWan peers and peers path metrics

Customize your integration with the Zabbix API.

Create automation workflows and integrate them with other systems using a well-documented JSON RPC API:

  • Automate management via the Zabbix API
  • More than 200 different methods are available
  • Create new applications that work with Zabbix
  • Integrate Zabbix with third party software: configuration management, ticketing systems
  • Loading and managing configuration and historical data
  • Create named API tokens with expiration dates for secure access to Zabbix APIs

Create custom API scripts to automate your monitoring workflows or integrate Zabbix with 3rd party solutions by using the official Zabbix python library – zabbix_utils.

Stream metrics and events over HTTP.

Make Zabbix a part of your data pipeline:

  • Stream Zabbix metrics and events to message brokers like Amazon SQS, Kafka, RabbitMQ and Amazon Kinesis
  • React to Zabbix events and automatically adapt your system behavior accordingly
  • Streaming is done over HTTP via REST API
  • Zabbix data and events can also be exported to a file in real-time
  • Gain additional insights from your metrics and events by streaming them to an external AI engine, or stream them to a data lake or data warehouse for long-term storage and analytics.


Zabbix supports and offers enterprise-grade security. Use Zabbix’s advanced tools to increase the security of all its components, meet your company’s security requirements, and keep your sensitive data safe.


Encrypt communication between Zabbix components.

Zabbix supports encryption of any communication stream between the various components of Zabbix:

  • All communication between the various Zabbix components (such as the Zabbix server, proxies, agents and command line tools) supports TLS protocol
  • Support for certificate and pre-shared key encryption
  • Encryption is optional and configurable for individual components
  • All sensitive information is encrypted and can be stored in an external vault for an additional level of security
  • Choose from a list of supported encryption algorithms based on your security policy

Limit access with a flexible permission scheme.

Zabbix provides a flexible user permission scheme that can be effectively used to manage user permissions within a single Zabbix installation or in a distributed environment.

You can define three levels of permissions:

  • Read-write – read and write access
  • Read-only – read-only access
  • Deny – deny access

User types are used to define access to administrative functions and to set default permissions:

  • Zabbix User has read-only permissions for collected data and events
  • Zabbix Administrator can manage your monitoring configuration and read collected data and events
  • Zabbix Super Administrators are able to manage the configuration of a Zabbix instance, plus they have Zabbix Administrator permissions

Extend security with user roles.

Create custom user roles with a granular set of permissions for different user types in your environment.

User roles also allow you to hide or show elements of the Zabbix user interface to suit the needs of your users and customers.

With user roles, you can:

  • Restrict access to specific UI elements
  • Restrict access to perform specific actions in the UI
  • Create a list of specific allowed or disallowed API methods

Authenticate users based on your existing infrastructure.

Integrate Zabbix with your existing authentication mechanisms. Zabbix supports various authentication methods:

  • Internal login in Zabbix
  • HTTP authentication
  • Support for multi-factor authentication
  • Define your own password complexity requirements
  • LDAP authentication
  • SAML authentication
  • Single sign-on authentication
  • Native integration with Active Directory

With native support for HTTP, LDAP and SAML authentication, you can provide an additional layer of security and improve the user experience when working with Zabbix.

Out-of-the-box support of multi-factor authentication enables enterprise-grade security and more flexibility for configuring user authentication methods:

  • Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) authentication
  • Duo Universal Prompt authentication

Keep your sensitive data safe.

Once entered, you have the option to hide your sensitive information away from prying eyes:

  • Hide your usernames, passwords, authentication keys and other sensitive information
  • The information stored in the vault can’t be retrieved via the API or configuration export

Install an external vault to keep your sensitive information under strict control:

  • Single storage for all your sensitive information
  • Strict access restrictions to the vault
  • Detailed vault level audit log
  • Store your secrets in HashiCorp or CyberArk vault

Keep track of configuration changes.

Track changes in your environment by utilizing the Audit log:

  • Find out which user made changes to any Zabbix entities
  • Tracks the IP address from which the user logged into Zabbix
  • Filter the audit log and follow changes made by a specific user on a particular resource
  • Export full or filtered audit log via API for further analysis

Restrict data collection!

Restrict access to sensitive information by limiting the metrics that can be collected in your environment:

  • Define lists of allowed and disallowed metrics
  • Prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information
  • Restrict the direction of network communications
  • Allow connections only to and from designated endpoints
  • Limit unencrypted connections to your devices

Automatically provision your Zabbix users.

Just-in-Time user provisioning enables you to integrate Zabbix with your existing LDAP or SAML infrastructure and automatically provision Zabbix users in a centralized and secure way:

  • Automatic role and permission assignment
  • Continuous user account management with SCIM provisioning
  • Automatic provisioning of alert message endpoints based on user LDAP/SAML attributes


Installing, deploying or updating Zabbix in your infrastructure is not only very easy, but also provides a wide range of options.


Install Zabbix in few minutes.

Zabbix provides many different ways how you can implement individual Zabbix components:

  • Use the official packages, docker or cloud variant for quick deployment
  • Use templates to manage the monitoring of thousands of devices and perform local configuration overrides if needed
  • Easily test Zabbix for PoC needs from a pre-configured virtual server

Save time with pre-made templates.

A wide selection of pre-made templates gives you the ability to start monitoring your infrastructure immediately:

  • Use pre-made templates for your devices and systems
  • Customize existing templates or create your own new templates
  • Use hundreds of templates created for Zabbix
  • Apply for the Professional template building service from the Zabbix team
  • Templates allow easy management and automated monitoring of your devices

Discover devices and services in your network.

Zabbix automatically scans your network and adds the discovered devices to your monitoring:

  • Detection of devices with multiple network interfaces
  • Ability to specify the range of IP addresses for network scanning
  • Detection of disconnected devices and the ability to define custom logic for removing devices

Check the availability of devices in the network by searching for various services:

  • Ping
  • Check SNMP availability
  • Search for a response from the Zabbix Agent
  • Probes for TCP, HTTP, FTP services
  • And many more

Automate the metrics collection and problem threshold value generation.

Resource discovery allows Zabbix to automatically discover metrics on your endpoint devices:

  • Resource discovery: automatically create probes, triggers and graphs for discovered metrics on devices
  • Use resource discovery to automatically create devices in Zabbix based on the data you receive

The source discovery is almost unlimited. Discover entities such as:

  • network interfaces
  • services
  • processors
  • file systems
  • Docker containers
  • Java application MBeans
  • SNMP entities
  • IPMI sensors
  • custom components for your internal application
  • and much, much more!

Automate agent deployment.

Automatically detect your Zabbix Agents and start monitoring them immediately:

  • Tag agents with customizable metadata
  • Define your own registration workflows that respond to different metadata values
  • React to changes in agent metadata

Define your own device registration logic based on agent metadata:

  • Assign a host to a host group
  • Apply monitoring template that corresponds with the discovered service
  • Inform your administrators
  • And many more

Automatic management of newly discovered devices.

Define your own workflow for adding and removing devices depending on the type of device:

  • Assign the device to a device group
  • Use a monitoring template that corresponds with the discovered service
  • Notify administrators
  • And many more

Keep your infrastructure up to date with seamless upgrades.

The Zabbix upgrade process is simple – just upgrade to the new version of Zabbix Server, Zabbix Proxy and Zabbix Frontend and that’s it. No loss of existing data, configuration or features:

  • Support of near zero-downtime upgrades between major versions
  • Backward and forward compatibility of all Zabbix components within one major version to ensure a quick and easy upgrade process
  • Zabbix Agents are backward compatible with previous major versions


Scale without limits!


Scale up your Zabbix infrastructure.

Add an extra layer of scalability by deploying Zabbix proxies. Scale up to collect millions of metrics from hundreds of thousands of devices, services, applications, and more. Zabbix proxies are easy to deploy and enable unlimited vertical scalability:

  • Delegate metric collection to Zabbix proxies
  • Deploy an unlimited amount of Zabbix proxies
  • Monitor thousands of remote locations, company branches, data centers
  • Deploy Zabbix proxies from packages, containers or cloud images
  • Reduce network overhead – traffic between central Zabbix server backend and proxies is compressed!
  • Stay compliant with the highest security standards by using TLS PSK or certificate encryption with full control of permitted security algorithms

Monitor remote locations without fear of data loss.

Monitor locations all over the globe! Collect metrics from remote locations securely and prevent data loss even in case of a network outage.

By deploying Zabbix proxies you can:

  • Monitor behind the firewall, DMZ
  • Collect data even in case of network issues
  • Remotely run custom scripts on monitoring targets for automatic problem remediation
  • Distribute your monitoring across an unlimited number of locations all over the globe
  • Instantly sync configuration changes across your whole Zabbix infrastructure

With Zabbix proxies you can execute remote commands in remote locations – either on the proxies themselves or on the agents monitored by the proxy.

Load balancing and High Availability.

Prevent data loss and add an extra layer of redundancy with Zabbix High availability:

  • Deploy a secondary Zabbix backend server to prevent data loss in case of an issue
  • Having HA enables you to perform seamless OS level maintenance and deploy the latest OS updates without any downtime

Deploy multiple Zabbix frontends to avoid downtime and improve the user experience:

  • Deploy multiple frontends all over the globe for optimal UX across different teams or departments
  • Implement load balancing between your frontends for best performance
  • Multiple frontends allow you to avoid downtimes and perform maintenance tasks on individual frontend servers

Let Zabbix automatically balance your hosts across multiple proxies by defining Zabbix proxy groups:

  • Let Zabbix scale your monitored infrastructure horizontally by automatically balancing your load across Zabbix proxies
  • Zabbix supports automatic failover whenever a proxy in a proxy group goes down
  • Customize the Load Balancing logic by defining custom failover periods and minimum number of required nodes per proxy group

Preserve and store your data.

Define flexible storage periods for different data sets:

  • History data
  • Hourly trends
  • Events
  • Audit log entries
  • Other data
  • Frontend user sessions

Zabbix is capable of storing history metrics and collecting hourly metric trends for an unlimited time period.

For example, to preserve database storage space, you may opt-in to store the history data for 6 months while storing hourly trends for 2 years:

  • Out of the box partitioning support improves the performance and ease of removing old data
  • With Zabbix you are the sole owner of your data:None of the collected data or telemetry get sent to Zabbix LLC or any other 3rd parties

It's never too late to start monitoring your systems and business services!

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Kontaktní osoba - foto

Tomáš Heřmánek

Option No. 5 on the hotline

+420 800 244 442

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