Zabbix Summit 2022

Zabbix Summit is a two-day event packed with interesting keynotes, tricky topics, community solutions, use cases from a range of companies and workshops led by the Zabbix team.

Date of event:
Web Summit: Zabbix Summit 2022

After two years, we were able to meet live again at the Zabbix Summit 20022 with other Zabbix partners and members of the large community as a gold sponsor. The second, no less important, novelty for us was a lecture on widget creation. You can read the details in our article.

Event programme

First day

KEYNOTE: Re-thinking Zabbix
Alexei Vladishev CEO, Zabbix, Latvia

Getting ahead of the game with Zabbix services
Anton Jefremov Zabbix Sales Managers, Zabbix, Latvia & Yuri Tarasenko
Zabbix Sales Managers, Zabbix, Latvia

Discovering and managing hosts with improved Zabbix host prototypes
Kaspars Mednis Chief Trainer, Zabbix, Latvia

Coffee break

Zabbix in China – Cindy Lu
CSO, Grandage, China

Leveraging Zabbix trend functions for network monitoring anomaly detection and enhanced visibility
Paulo Deolindo Zabbix Trainer, Unirede Inteligência em TI, Brazil

Enterprise scale VMware monitoring with Zabbix
Dimitri Bellini CEO, Quadrata Service Group s.r.l., Italy, UAE – Open Source and Zabbix evangelist from 2009, Quadrata CEO

Enable Netflow Monitoring on Zabbix 6.0 with H5-Flow integration
Frederic Guillois CEO, H5 Network, France


Zabbix dashboards: A single pane of glass for MSP environments
Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix, Latvia

Extending Zabbix
Vladimir Levijev Senior C Developer, Zabbix, Latvia

Zabbix and Ansible, complement each other like wine and cheese
Andrew Nelson Site Reliability Engineer, USA

Because I am API
Steve Destivelle Zabbix Trainer & Expert, IZI-IT, France

Coffee break

Monitor MySQL with Zabbix: Understanding the metrics
Vittorio Cioe Principal Solution Engineer, Oracle-MySQL, Poland

Keeping things structured within Zabbix
Nathan Liefting Zabbix consultant / trainer, Opensource ICT, Netherlands


Second day


Morning Coffee

KEYNOTE: Zabbix business news
Sergey Sorokin Director of Business Development, Zabbix, Latvia

What’s up home – monitoring your IoT devices with Zabbix
Janne Pikkarainen Senior Systems Engineer, Forcepoint, Finland

5 Real world examples for Zabbix integrations and extensions
Wolfgang Alper CEO, IntelliTrend GmbH, Germany

Coffee Break

Importance of business service monitoring based on real examples
Aleksandrs Petrovs-Gavrilovs Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix, Latvia

Enhancing Zabbix frontend with your own widget modules – Tomas Hermanek
CEO, initMAX, Czech Republic


Free widgets to download

Deep dive into Zabbix Web Modules
Evgeny Yurchenko Co-founder, Tech Lead, BGmot, Canada


Culture change to use Zabbix in Kubernetes
Robert Silva Tech Lead, JLCP, Brazil

Install and operate Zabbix in Kubernetes and OpenShift
Christian Anton Head of Cloud Native Infrastructure & Services, secadm GmbH – part of the MCL Group, Germany

Keeping hundreds of Windows Zabbix agents in sync across different customers
Marco Hofmann IT-System Engineer, Anaxco, Germany

Using Zabbix to monitor our OpenNebula private cloud infrastructure
Geert Willems System Engineer, Flemish Government, Belgium

Bug off: Hunting Zabbix vulnerabilities
Alexey Mitrofanov Cybersecurity lead, Zabbix, Latvia

Lightning talks. Better protect your Zabbix API
Wolfgang Alper CEO, IntelliTrend GmbH, Germany

Lightning talks. Zabbix Girls
Nivea Francys Technical support engineer, Zabbix, Brazil

Lightning talks. From zero to monitoring hero: My journey with Zabbix.
Laura Schilder Zabbix consultant, Opensource ICT, Netherlands

Lightning talks. Zabbix Translations
Marina Generalova Technical documentation writer, Zabbix, Latvia
