ISP Alliance members meeting 2024
We attended the ISP Alliance members meeting that took place on September 10, 2024 in Hotel reSTART in Jičín. At the event we presented our lecture on Zabbix, which was part of an interesting program focused on news and current topics in the ISP field.
Date of event: |

Event agenda
Introduction and welcome
Jan Kropáček, Michal David
B2B news
Zdeněk Krejčí
CORE news
Petr Plodík, Ladislav Růžička
SW news
Michal David
Flowcutter: Troubleshooting – what are the benefits of having SNMP and Netflow side by side?
Matěj Pavelka
Brandbakers: Jak udělat firmu úspěšnější díky lidem?
Petr Hovorka
NetX: DDoS attacks and their mitigation options
Matěj Grégr
VanCo: News from the world of MW
David Němec
Zabbix: Tips and Tricks
Tomáš Heřmánek
PDF of the presentation
How to sell a higher tariff to a customer?
Michal Říha
Erbia: Wholesale offer of mobile voice services
Petr Studenovský
Watching TV: IPTV as a customer retention element
Tomáš Hruška
DC GROUP: Dealing with overdue receivables and minimising the risk of their occurrence
Petr Šafařík
Upcoming law on cybersecurity and its impact on the ISP market segment
Jakub Rejzek
ISPA 2025: Vision and goal
Michal David